
Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia

Site's map


International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea

Aral Sea Basin Programs

About Commission

Mandate and Objectives


Main Activity

Legal Framework

Agreement between the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan on co-operation in interstate sources' water resources use and protection common management

Statement of heads of water economy organizations of Central Asian Republics and Kazakhstan

The Agreement about the status of IFAS and its organizations

Statute of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia

Statute of the Scientific-Information Center of ICWC (SIC ICWC)

Statute on SIC ICWC branches in the Aral Sea basin states

Statute of the Secretariat of ICWC

Statute of the Coordination Metrological Center ICWC

Statute of the Basin Water Association “Amu Darya”

Statute of the Basin Water Association “Syr Darya”

Formation and Establishment

Chronology of ICWC


BWO “Amu Darya”

BWO “Syr Darya”

Secretariat ICWC




№ 90—81 (... — December 2021)

№ 80—71 (May 2021 — July 2017)

№ 70—61 (April 2017 — April 2013)

№ 60—51 (September 2012 — September 2008)

№ 50—41 (May 2008 — March 2005)

№ 40—31 (August 2004 — November 2001)

№ 30—21 (August 2001 — October 1998)

№ 20—11 (August 1998 — May 1995)

№ 10—1 (February 1995 — February 1992)


Water management situation in the Amu Darya basin

Water management situation in the Syr Darya basin

Analysis of water management situation on the Amu Darya and Syr Darya river basins for the vegetation/non-vegetation

Bulletins of ICWC
