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Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia

Chronology of ICWC

26 March 2023

IFAS 30-years Anniversary

18 February 2022

ICWC 30-years Anniversary

24 August 2018

Joint Communique of the Council of the Heads of the state – founders of the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea

28 April 2009

Almaty Statement of the Heads of CA State on a need to improve the organizational structure of IFAS.

23 October 1999

Established Coordination Metrology Center in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.

9 April 1999

Adopted the Ashkhabad Agreement on the status of IFAS and its organizations that gave the ICWC and its executive bodies the status of international organizations as part of IFAS.

23 October 1998

Established “Central Asian water sector professional development courses” at SIC ICWC with the purpose of strengthening water professionals in CA and enhancing cooperation in the region.

27 February 1997

MezhGossovet merged with IFAS.

10 October 1993

Created the ICWC Secretariat in the city of Khujand, Tajikistan.

26 March 1993

Signed Kyzylorda Agreement on Joint Actions to address the problem of the Aral Sea and Prearalie, environmental rehabilitation and socio-economic development in the Aral Sea region by which:

  • Heads of CA State confirmed the decision on the establishment of ICWC and its mandate;
  • the ICWC became a part of MezhGossovet.

5 December 1992

Established Scientific-Information Center for water-related issues, Tashkent.

18 February 1992

Signed Almaty Agreement on Co-operation in Joint Management of the Use and Conservation of Water Resources in Interstate Sources that:

  • laid the basis for joint water management in the region, while recognizing “the existing order of water allocation”;
  • established the ICWC of Central Asia, with BWO Amu Darya and BWO Syr Darya in its structure.

12 October 1991

The Tashkent Statement of the heads of national water agencies from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan on a need for establishment of “joint institutions for coordination of work”.


  • Established basin water authorities for Syr Darya and Amu Darya, 1987.
  • Joint work on drafting and followed revision of Master Plans for comprehensive use and conservation of water resources in Amu Darya and Syr Darya River Basins.
  • Basin water authorities re-organized into Basin Water Organizations (BWOs).