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Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia

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Executive Bodies

Executive Bodiies of ICWC are:

Basin Water Organization “Amu Darya”

Basin Water Organization “Syr Darya”

Secretariat ICWC

Scientific-Information Center ICWC

Coordination Metrological Center ICWC

BWO “Amu Darya” is responsible for routine management and distribution of water resources among the riparian states, timely and reliable delivery of water, according to the agreed limits, to users, and provision of sanitary and environmental flow for the Prearalie (former Aral Sea coastal zone) and the Aral Sea.

BWO “Syr Darya” is responsible for routine management and distribution of water resources among the riparian states, timely and reliable delivery of water, according to the agreed limits, to users, and provision of sanitary and environmental flow for the Prearalie (former Aral Sea coastal zone) and the Aral Sea.

Secretariat ICWC is responsible for fulfillment of ICWC assignments, preparation, together with other executive bodies, of programs, measures and draft decisions for ICWC meetings, control over the flow of funds from ICWC founding states for financing of ICWC executive bodies (field operations, capital repairs, etc.), coordination of international communications.

Scientific-Information Center ICWC is responsible for backstopping and technical support of ICWC activities on the regional and global stages. Contributes to transboundary water cooperation and sustainable water management in Central Asia through information support, training, networking, research, and expertise.

Training Center of SIC ICWC is responsible for drafting of teaching and learning aids and curricula in various fields of water economy, training and assessment of training needs, training of trainers and coordination of regional actions of its branches, development of e-learning course curricula.

Coordination Metrological Center ICWC is responsible for coordination of engineering policy in the field of metrological support to programs and decisions of ICWC on use, protection and accounting of water resources in sources and water-management systems.