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Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia |
Meetings of ICWC
The 30th ICWC meeting
23-25 August 2001, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
1. Growing period of the year 2001 and determination of reservoir operating regimes and water limits in the Amudarya and Syrdarya basins (responsible: BWO "Amudarya" and BWO "Syrdarya").
2. ICWC Training Center's activities and approval of the work plan and regulations for thematic work groups (responsible: SIC ICWC).
3. Finishing and approval of interstate agreements (responsible: SIC ICWC, BWO "Amudarya", and BWO "Syrdarya").
4. Consideration of draft provisions for recruiting and assigning management staff in executive agencies of ICWC (responsible: SIC ICWC).
5. Consideration of draft provisions for financing ICWC's executive agencies (responsible: SIC ICWC).
6. Approval of events related to ICWC Anniversary Meeting and Scientific Conference: "Water Resources in Central Asia", dedicated to tenth anniversary of ICWC (responsible: A.M. Ramazanov, ICWC member, SIC ICWC).
7. Issues of ICWC Coordination Metrological Center (responsible: ICWC Coordination Metrological Center).
8. Agenda and place of the next 31st ICWC meeting.
The 29th ICWC meeting
12-13 April 2001, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan
1. Water reservoir cascade operation regime and water intake limits amplification in the Amudarya and Syrdarya basin for growing period of 2001 (responsible: BWO "Amudarya" and BWO "Syrdarya");
2. About project "Provision on order of financing ICWC executive bodies (BWO, SIC, Secretariat)" (responsible: SIC ICWC);
3. ICWC activity and development program consideration (responsible: SIC ICWC);
4. "About strengthening water and meteorological organizations interrelation in Amudarya and Syrdarya river flow amplification and forecast reliability increase";
5. (Additional question). About ICWC members proposals on BWO status changes (proposed by A. Ramazanov and A. Jalalov);
6. (Additional question). ICWC protocol decision on the World Commission on Large Dams, ICID and International Association of Power Engineering conclusion on the "Report of World Commission on Dams";
7. (Additional question). About scientific-practical conference "Water Resources of Central Asia" devoted to ICWC 10 years anniversary in2002 in Almaty;
8. (Additional question). About restoration of collaboration with Mekong river Secretariat under ESCAP support;
9. About next ICWC meeting agenda.
The 28th ICWC meeting
21-22 December 2000, Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan
1. About results of vegetation period 2000 (responsible BWO "Amudarya" and BWO "Syrdarya")
2. Water diversion limits for non-growing period of 2000-2001 in Amudarya and Syrdarya basin consideration (responsible BWO "Amudarya" and BWO "Syrdarya"). Water reservoir cascade on Amudarya and Syrdarya operation regime as a proposal to interstate agreement on Syrdarya water and energy resources rational use.
3. BWO "Syrdarya" activity during growing period 2000 consideration.
4. About ICWC development and strengthening program (responsible SIC ICWC)
5. Program of ICWC and its executive bodies financial activity for 2001:
- O & M financing plan;
- design work plan;
- SIC ICWC and its branches research plan
(responsible BWO "Amudarya" and BWO "Syrdarya", SIC ICWC)
6. About draft "Provision on BWO, SIC and ICWC Secretariat financing" (responsible SIC ICWC)
7. About interaction strengthening between water management organizations and Hydrometservices on amplification of river flow and hydrological forecast in Central Asia
8. Additional question (submitted by SIC ICWC): about ICWC and FAO technical collaboration project (responsible SIC ICWC)
9. About agenda and place of the next 29th ICWC meeting.
The 27th ICWC meeting
4 August 2000, Fergana, Uzbekistan
1. Consideration of current vegetation irrigation and amplification (if necessary) of water reservoirs cascade on Syrdarya and Amudarya rivers operation regime (responsible: BWO "Syrdarya" and BWO "Amudarya");
2. About program of ICWC development and strengthening (responsible: SIC ICWC).
3. About perfection of legal base of interstate relations in water resources rational use in light of European Convention in Hague, the Netherlands (responsible: SIC ICWC).
4. Information of ICWC members and their organizations about ICWC decisions made in 1998, 1999, 2000 fulfillment (responsible: ICWC members, SIC ICWC, BWO "Amudarya", BWO "Syrdarya", ICWC Secretariat).
5. About the project "About order of financing BWOs, SIC ICWC and ICWC Secretariat" (responsible: SIC ICWC).
6. About Interstate Agreement on Syrdarya water resources management and use preparation (responsible: BWO "Syrdarya", BWO "Amudarya").
7. About the next 28th ICWC meeting agenda.
The 26th ICWC meeting
29 April 2000, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
1. About BWO "Amudarya" Head approval.
2. Consideration and approval of water reservoir cascades regime, water intake limits within the Amudarya and Syrdarya basins for growing period of 2000 (responsible BWO "Amudarya" and BWO "Syrdarya").
3. About the project "Provision about BWOs, SIC ICWC and Secretariat financing" (responsible ICWC Members, SIC ICWC, BWOs).
4. About Agreement of Central Asian governments "About information exchange and database establishing on water resources of the transboundary rivers of the Aral Sea basin" and base of knowledge development within IPTRID network (responsible SIC ICWC).
5. About next 27th ICWC meeting's agenda.
Additional issues
1. Information about ICWC delegation participation in the Second World Water Forum and Inter-Ministerial Conference, March 17-22, 2000, Hague, the Netherlands.
2. Information about the regional project "Integrated management of irrigated farming in Fergana valley" to be implemented on the territory of Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The 25th ICWC meeting
11 February 2000, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
1. Amplification of reservoir cascade on Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers operation regime for non-growing period of 1999-2000.
2. Program of ICWC and its executive bodies (BWOs, SIC ICWC, Secretariat) financing for 2000 including operation needs, design and scientific works, etc.
3. About SCADA system on Dustlik canal operation experience.
4. About Agreement of Central Asia states on information exchange and database creation on transboundary water resources.
5. About the project "Provision on order of financing of BWOs, SIC ICWC and ICWC Secretariat.
6. About the project "Provision on metrological center".
Additional issues
1. Approval of the project "Provision of Training Center in water sector of Central Asia" and "Program of specialists training".
2. About WARMAP-2 Project results and WARMAP-3 directions.
The 24th ICWC meeting
23 October 1999, Kzyl-Orda, Kazakhstan
1. On the results of the vegetation period of 1999 and the limits for the non-vegetation period of hydrological year 1999/2000 (responsible: BWO "Amudarya" and BWO "Syrdarya").
2. On the progress of performing Transboundary Monitoring Project (responsible: BWO "Amudarya", BWO "Syrdarya", and SIC ICWC).
3. Considering the proposals on partial change of Agreement on status of IFAS and its organizations (responsible: BWO "Amudarya", BWO "Syrdarya", and SIC ICWC).
4. Information on the ICWC delegation trip to India (responsible: SIC ICWC).
5. Considering draft provision on the order of financing BWO, SIC ICWC and the ICWC Secretariat (responsible: SIC ICWC, BWO "Amudarya", BWO "Syrdarya").
6. Considering draft provision on Hydromet Center (responsible PKTI "Vodavtomatika", Bishkek).
7. Considering draft provision on courses for rising qualification of employers from water sector in Central Asian states.
8. On the agenda of the next 25th ICWC meeting.
Additional issues
1. Considering "Agreement on information exchange and creat ing database on the Aral Sea basin transboundary water resources" (included in accordance with the instructions of ICWC of 12 June 1999, Protocol No. 23, point 2.3).
2. On participation of ICWC delegation in the work of the 17th ICID Congress (included by ICWC).
3. On the project "Collector and drainage water use in the Aral Sea basin".
The 23rd ICWC meeting
11-12 June 1999, Dashauz, Turkmenistan
1. The results of the non-vegetation period in hydrological year 1998/1999 and clarification of reservoirs cascade operation mode and the limits of water intake in Amudarya and Syrdarya river basins in the vegetation period of 1999 (responsible: BWO "Amudarya" and BWCTSyrdarya").
2. On the works, being implemented for creating a regional information system on the Aral Sea water and land resources management (responsible: SIC ICWC).
3. On fulfilling the decision on "The main purposes and directions of rational water resources use strategy", made by the IFAS Board on 12 March 1998 (responsible: ICWC members).
4. On the course of carrying out the reconstruction of Ozerny and Daryalykskiy collectors (responsible: the Ministry of Water Resources of Turkmenistan).
5. On the order of financing the maintenance of hydraulic objects, transferred to BWO "Amudarya" and BWO "Syrdarya" (responsible: BWO "Amudarya" and BWO "Syrdarya").
6. Provision on Central Asian courses for qualification rise (responsible: SIC ICWC).
7. On cooperation between BWO "Syrdarya" and USAID within the framework of EPIC, (additional issue, included by BWO "Syrdarya").
8. On the agenda of the next 24th ICWC meeting.
The 22nd ICWC meeting
12-13 February 1999, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
1. Consideration and approval of water reservoir cascade operation regime in Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers basin in 1999 (responsible: BWO "Amudarya" and BWO "Syrdarya").
2. Program of ICWC and its entities financial provision, including financial plan, plan of SIC ICWC and its organizations design and scientific activity (responsible: ICWC members, BWO "Amudarya", BWO "Syrdarya").
3. Interstate water structures preparation to growing period of 1999 (responsible: ICWC members, BWO "Amudarya", BWO "Syrdarya")
4. Water related sector development sustainability in Central Asia (responsible: SIC ICWC).
5. Approval of Statute of Central Asian Center for vocational training of water sector's specialists (responsible: SIC ICWC).
6. Agenda of the next 23rd ICWC meeting.
The 21st ICWC meeting
23-24 October 1998, Khudjand, Tajikistan
1. Results of the growing period of 1998.
2. Consideration and approval of water reservoirs cascade operational regime and water intake limits on Amudarya and Syrdarya river basins on the non-growing period of 1998-1999.
3. Information about works on WUFMAS Program of European Union "Estimation of water consumption and irrigated lands productivity and possibility of lands use improvement".
4. Information about preparation of water management specialists in Central Asian states.
5. About the 22nd ICWC meeting agenda.
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