By-law of the Coordination Metrological Center ICWC
I. General Provisions
1.1. Coordination-Metrological Center at ICWC (hereinafter CMC) is established according to the decision made by ICWC on 11 February 2000 with the aim to provide interstate programs for water resources use and protection in the field of automation and metrology in the Aral Sea basin.
1.2. Activities of CMC are carried out based on interaction with water management organizations of Central Asian Republics (CAR), with SIC ICWC under the Statute on ICWC and Interstate Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Metrology and Standardization.
1.3. Functions of CMC are laid on Regional Design and Technological Institute PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya” of the Water Department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Kyrgyz Republic.
1.4. CMC includes branches or national organizations appointed by decision ministries of the republics, ICWC members.
II. Goals and Objectives
2.1. CMC is entrusted with functions of a metrological organ of ICWC in providing metrological support to programs and decisions of ICWC.
2.2. CMC coordinates and implements technological policy in the field of metrological support to programs and decisions of ICWC on use, protection and accounting of water resources in sources and water-management systems.
2.3. CMC organizes joint preparation and practical use of standard-technical base for metrological support to measurements of water resources parameters, develops proposals for their improvement.
2.4. The main functions of CMC are:
• to ensure uniformity of measurements, rise in level of and development of measurement technology on water-management systems;
• provide metrological support to programs and decisions of ICWC;
• develop, upgrade and provide metrological service to facilities for measurement of water resources parameters;
• organize systematic calibration and certification of gauging stations;
• carry out accreditation, certification, training.
2.5. In order to fulfill laid functions, CMC carries out as follows:
• development of pilot and standard designs of facilities for water accounting and automation of technological processes on water-management systems;
• development of regulatory and procedural documents establishing an order for carrying out control-accounting operations related to water resources use and protection;
• introduction of state-of-the-art measuring methods and instruments, automated control-measurement and comparison equipment;
• development and implementation of measures related to testing, calibration and metrological certification of measuring instruments being in use, newly developed or imported from abroad;
• coordination of measures for development, organization of manufacturing or purchase and delivery of standard measuring instruments and necessary comparison equipment for metrological services of water management organizations;
• coordination of activities, direct participation and methodical assistance in carrying out graduation, calibration and metrological certification of water-accounting facilities at points of interstate water allocation as well as at large hydraulic structures of interstate significance;
• coordination of measures for expanding the network of observation over qualitative and quantitative status of water resources in sources of interstate significance;
• coordination of measures for organizing repair and maintenance of automation and measurement facilities;
• metrological examination of water projects and standard-technical documentation;
• provision of water management organizations - ICWC members with information on scientific and technical achievements, advanced experience, list of recommended measuring instruments and systems for their metrological servicing in the field of water resources control and accounting;
• participation in establishment of a common information base on standard-technical provision and certification of water-accounting points at sources and irrigation systems;
• accreditation of metrological (testing) services, certification of metrological production, training of specialists;
• participation in activities of interstate agencies on issues of metrology and standardization in water resources.
III. Activity Organization
3.1. CMC organizes its activities based on programs and decisions of ICWC, close cooperation with respective national organizations in CARs.
3.2. CMC interacts with water management organizations, standardization and metrology organizations, hydromet services, environmental and other agencies, and key national centers, national organizations and so on.
3.3. CMC has its publishing base for preparation and replication of normative documents and information leaflets with the aim to provide interested consumers on a commercial basis.
3.4. CMC organizes holding of meetings, workshops, conferences and others on issues of automation and metrological support to Central Asian countries, propagation of advanced experience.
3.5. CMC carries out foreign-economic activity with any countries on issues of automation, metrological control and accounting of water resources and technologies for water allocation in Central Asia region. The foreign-economic activity of CMC may include scientific-technical cooperation, entry to market of measuring and standard equipment, technologies and science-intensive services, foreign trade relations, attraction of sponsors and partners for fulfilling tasks stipulated in the present Statute.
3.6. Activities carried out by CMC are financed:
• from sources of funding for specific programs stipulated by the International Fund for the Aral Saving (IFAS) and ICWC;
• from budgetary appropriations of separate CARs, within the territory of which concrete water projects are implemented with participation of CMC;
• from funds allocated within the framework of donor support by international organizations and foundations, governmental agencies of CARs and other countries, and other sponsors.
3.7. Execution of any tasks, measures and activities by forces of CMC and its branches is only carried out based on generally adopted contracts with concrete customers.
IV. Structure and Management
4.1. CMC is managed by Director of PKTI “Vodavtomatika i metrologiya”, who coordinates activities to fulfill tasks assigned by ICWC in connection with activities of CMC and its branches, and target programs and measures funded by water management organizations in CARs and international organizations.
4.2. Structure of functional interrelations between CMC and its branches is confirmed by decision of ICWC.
V. Accounting, Reporting and Control
5.1. CMC and its branches exercise control over proper exploitation of assets, credits and other material and cash resources provided to them for use by line of ICWC or its bodies.
5.2. CMC and its branches provide any information on a range of supervised programs and activities on request of ICWC and other donors.
VI. Termination
6.1. Fulfillment of functions by CMC may be terminated by decision of ICWC.
6.2. By decision of ICWC, assets provided to CMC and its branches for implementation of activities and programs can be claimed by ICWC, bought back at depreciated cost or transferred to their balance free of charge.